Human-style WWW summarization
After illustrating with the help of a textuality checklist how it transpires that humans can produce so much better summaries than automatic systems, I plead the cause of a summarization system that follows the approach of human summarizers not in the system underground but near the user interface where users actually feel it. I present the overall research strategy and a sketch of the target system that emphasizes some key ideas. First, the preexisting empirical model and computer simulation of professional summarizing is reshaped for its target environment "WWW summarizing in bone marrow transplantation". Second, the domain ontology for knowledge-based human-style processing is explained, together with an empirical procedure for its development. Third, I discuss the interpretation and relevance assessment procedure in some detail. There, the influence of human summarizers is most prominent: agents derived from human summarizers’ strategies are at work. At the time of writing, work on implementation of the target system SummIt-BMT (Summarize It in Bone Marrow Transplantation) has begun.
منابع مشابه
1 Human - style WWW summarization 4 - 2 - 2000
Of course, setting up a summarization model that ensures smooth integration with human thinking is a relatively long process. Fig. 1 shows where the researchers are located in such a research strategy: An empirical model describing the intellectual strategies of human expert summarizers has been elaborated and published (most comprehensively in Endres-Niggemeyer 1998). The empirical model has b...
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